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Daycare Injury Lawyer

Daycares, whether they are individual providers or businesses, are expected to provide a high level of compassionate, caring supervision. If they fail in this regard, and a child is injured as a result, the child’s parents are fully within their rights to seek fair compensation for their child’s damages. Here at The Matassini Law Firm, P.A., our daycare injury lawyer empathizes with your situation and the grief with which you are likely dealing. Knowing that your child was hurt because of a caregiver’s negligent actions is downright devastating. We can help you hold that party accountable.

What Qualifies as a Serious Injury?

Children get bumps, bruises, cuts, and splinters just about every day, it seems. They jump off play structures, lunge for soccer balls, and run madly in wild games of tag with uncoordinated bodies that they are still getting used to. It is expected that they suffer minor injuries along the way. As such, minor injuries that do not require medical attention, such as hospitalization or a trip to the emergency room, are generally not worthy personal injury cases unless the trauma was caused by a daycare staff member’s intentional act, such as physical or sexual abuse.

Who is at Fault for My Child’s Injury?

As mentioned earlier, most injuries that children receive are minor in nature, and usually no one’s fault other than gravity and child play. However, there are scenarios in which a child’s injuries are the fault of a negligent daycare center or daycare staff member. Daycares have a duty of care to provide a reasonably safe venue for your child. This includes things like adequate supervision, childproofing electrical outlets, ensuring there are not choking hazards, providing safe food, and maintaining the premises. If a daycare facility or “mom and pop” daycare fails to provide this reasonable level of care, and a child suffers a serious injury as a result, the child’s parents can seek compensation through the civil courts. Examples of daycare negligence include the following:

  • Lack of supervision
  • Lack of medical/emergency training
  • Failure to respond to an emergency
  • Understaffing
  • Lack of child proofing
  • Slip and fall hazards
  • Dangerous or unmaintained play structures
  • No fence around a pool, or lack of supervision around a pool or body of water
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse

Call a Daycare Injury Lawyer Today

Properly run daycares can be great for children and their parents. Children get invaluable social time with their peers—studies have shown that pre-kindergarten children do better in school if they attend daycare or preschool—and parents are given the time to earn a paycheck. But not all daycares provide a high level of care. Even a seemingly small mistake can end in disaster. If a daycare violated your trust, and your child suffered any type of serious injury, our daycare injury lawyers will pursue justice for them, and you, by demanding compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. Call The Matassini Law Firm, P.A. today at 813-217-5715 to schedule a free consultation.

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The greatest distinguishing feature among attorneys is their level of experience. Our firm has more than 60 years of legal experience, much of it spent in the courtroom at trial. As a result, our Tampa criminal defense lawyers rarely encounter an unfamiliar situation and can thoroughly answer your urgent questions. Our criminal defense practice features a board certified criminal trial lawyer and two former prosecutors with impressive knowledge of trial tactics and procedures.

The resources to provide quality representation for the length of your case

Whether your case involves a crime or injury, your attorney must be prepared to take the case all the way through trial to verdict. Many defense attorneys advance the cost of litigation, so they can only last so long before financial pressures start to mount. As a client, you have to wonder whether an attorney's advice to settle your case reflects the quality of the offer or their need to get paid. Fortunately, The Matassini Law Firm has the resources to pursue civil verdicts and settlements that reflect the actual value of your case.

Call our Tampa Bay criminal attorneys for a free consultation

A crisis in your life calls for capable and compassionate assistance. The Matassini Law Firm, P.A. addresses your needs all the way through the legal process. For your free initial confidential conference with one of our Tampa criminal defense attorneys, call us today at 813-217-5715 or contact us online.

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